Not a traditional Book Club!

The community is about sharing and caring, regardless of whether you read any books yourself. Gatherings at the cozy Home Studio are designed to foster a sense of belonging by offering a safe space to share your truth. Our conversations blend book-based knowledge with personal insights, facilitating self-discovery through the expression of your authentic Self. The main goal of the club is to support both personal and collective growth.

  • Marati 4, 11712 Tallinn, Estonia

  • On Wednesdays at 18.00-20.00 (once a month)

  • Tea and snacks & sauna on request

  • 35€/month

Come to Welcoming Day

See you in the new year 2024!

Visible Feels cozy Home Studio invites you to 'Read & Feel' Club welcoming day! Don't forget... you don't have to be a big book reader! The goal is to create a safe environment for both individual and collective growth. Come, and let's get to know each other!

Visible Feels Community

  • Values

    openness & transparency ➤ authenticity & uniqueness ➤ acceptance & togetherness

  • Mindset

    every single voice will be heard ➤ every single body will be loved ➤ every single soul will be accepted

  • Mission

    discovering conscious authenticity ➤ building acceptance of Self ➤ building bridges over Fear

Read & Feel Club is waiting for you!