Season 1

"Rewrite Your Story"

Season 1 focuses on building a bridge from outworn understandings to new beginnings. We can’t change anything from the past, it is what it is, but we can change the way we see the things that have happened. The ultimate goal is to liberate the emotional memory of the past events that have occurred and create space for the new. Take a moment to listen and wonder about the information shared and questions asked in each episode to rewrite your own story.

The latest episode

"Masters of Fear"

In episode 18 Maiken talks about the greatest obstacle of life – FEAR. She shares her thoughts on how to step over the fear and how to find a way from suffering to freedom.

“The Visible Feels podcast was born out of a personal self-search journey. I decided to share my road to healing in a podcast format to encourage the listeners to jump on board with the concept of 'Rewrite Your Story' to find a way back to who we are in our hearts. That’s what has helped me for years to release the emotional memory of the past. When one finds themselves, one must shine a light on others. My teachers in India thought me that knowledge must be spread, not kept. Heart-to-heart storytelling is my way to decode the life and create space for the authentic Self. It’s not about finding the truth, it’s about what has the potential to make us feel better.”

Maiken Sarv

Episodio 1

"Come Siamo Arrivati Qui?"

Maiken comincia il primo episodio di Visible Feels con il pensiero “come siamo arrivati qui” e affronta temi quali paradiso, illusioni, attaccamenti e "chi siamo". Questa puntata parla del perché abbiamo bisogno di cambiare e come trovare la via di rientro verso il vero Sé.