Energy practice course

A 7-week course to explore the energy centers (chakras) that define our vibrational frequency, connected to emotional states such as fear, guilt, shame, hurt, joy, clarity, and love. We will shake, dance, and liberate through music to raise our vibrational energy and create emotional balance.

  • 17th April - 29th Mai 2025

  • On Thursdays 18.00-19.30 (seminar + practice)

  • Marati 4, 11712 Tallinn, Estonia

    1. Fear

    1. Guilt

    1. Self-doubt

    1. Emotional wounds

    1. Shame

    1. Clarity

About this course

  • €169,00
  • 7 lessons

Course overview

  • 1. Gathering - 17 April 2025


    The root chakra is associated with a sense of security, stability, and belonging. It is responsible for satisfying and ensuring the survival of all basic needs related to realization in the physical world. It creates connections between our energetic system and the physical world and serves as the foundation of our life force energy.

  • 2. Gathering - 24 April 2025


    he sacral chakra is characterized by the fluidity of our emotions and thoughts. When we live with the energy of the second chakra in balance, we are able to grow as individuals and build healthy relationships by being passionate about life, sensual, creative, emotionally stable, and flexible.

  • 3. Gathering - 1 May 2025


    Kolmanda tšakra energia võimaldab meil väljakutsetele vastu astuda ja oma elus edasi liikuda selgete kavatsuste, enesekindluse ja motivatsiooniga. See tšakra peegeldab meie võimet teha valikuid, öelda jah või ei, seada isiklikke piire, olla ühenduses oma isikliku jõuga ja võtta vastutus oma elu eest.

  • 4. Gathering - 8 May 2025


    The heart chakra is the fulcrum of the seven chakras where the physical and spiritual planes meet and root themselves in love and gratitude. It is a centre of non-judgemental observation and unconditional love that goes beyond our personality and acts of ego.

  • 5. Gathering - 15 May 2025


    The throat chakra is linked to the expression of ourselves, the ability to speak our truth and be open to communicating of who we are. The energy of this chakra helps us to align our vision between the internal and external world and develop our intuitive abilities.

  • 6. Gathering - 22 May 2025


    “The third eye way" energy connects us to our inner wisdom, accessing the deepest meanings of situations in our lives, and allows us to be guided in a clear and wise way. In this way, it takes us beyond illusions and connects us with deeper truths that see beyond the mind and words.

  • 7. Gathering - 29 May 2025


    The Crown chakra is a connection to our highest selves, to every being on the planet, and finally to the divine energy that creates everything in the universe. The true openness of this energy center means realizing that you are pure awareness, undivided, and all expanding.

Limited number of places!

Join to create energetical and emotional harmony.